Alauna Curry, MD

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Alauna Curry, MD is a Board Certified Psychiatrist, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of complex psychological trauma and related mental health conditions.  She graduated summa cum laude from Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans, LA, where she became a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.  She obtained her Doctorate of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX, where she also subsequently completed post-graduate training in the prestigious Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences General Residency Program in 2011.


Dr. Curry expands her talents beyond direct patient care to educating, mentoring and uplifting her community via a multitude of outlets, with her primary passions directed toward addressing social justice and equality for all marginalized peoples.  Her tireless work includes training mental health professionals, providing community education, training local law enforcement to improve mental health collaboration and understanding, and generally promoting engagement in healthy communication about societal issues such as mental health, race and racism, and socioeconomic factors that affect us as a world-wide community.  She is a sought-after educator, author, public speaker and life-coach.



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